The Play Lady
Games from the Playground

games of the past
games of the present
multicultural games
traditional games
schoolyard games
Indigenous string games
paper & pencil games
home-made toys

Articles and papers

This is a list of published articles and papers, most of which are directly downloadable or linked to the download on the publisher's web site.

Clicking on a Play and Folklore article will open it as a pdf file, and clicking on a Folklife News article will open the article as an html file.

Every issue of Play and Folklore is also accessible through Museum Victoria's Play and Folklore web page.To return to this Play Lady page, please click on your browser's 'Back' button.

'String Games in Australia' in Seal, G. & Gall, J. (eds), Antipodean Traditions: Australian Folklore in the 21st Century, Black Swan Press, Perth, 2011
• 'Digne de Respect: L'espace laisse au jeu enfantin', 'With Respect: Adult Contexts for Children's Play' (with Gwenda Beed Davey) in Arleo, A. & Delalande, J. (eds), Colloque Cultures Enfantines: Universalite et diversite, Presses Universitaires de Rennes (PUR) 2010
• Two articles - 'Jacks', 'Marbles' - in the Encyclopedia of Play in Today's Society, Rodney P. Carlisle (ed), SAGE publications, California, USA, 2009

The Hidden Heritage of the Schoolyard, paper presented to the international sumposium 'Classroom to Campus: the heritage of modern education', University of Melbourne, November 2012.
Play Today, short paper to the National Folk Festival Play Forum, Canberra, A.C.T., 24 March 2008.
With Respect: adult contexts for children's play (with Gwenda Beed Davey), paper presented to conference 'Children's Cultures: Universality & Diversity', University de Nantes, France, 15-17 March, 2007.

'From Playground to Patient: reflections on a traditional games program in a paediatric hospital' in the International Journal of Play, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2013
'Beach Bums, Bloodsuckers and Ice Cream Jellies' in Play and Folklore, No 59, April 2013
'From the Cradle to the Grave: Sister Lindsey and the Blind Babies' Nursery' in Communities of Memory, Journal of the Oral History Association of Australia, No. 34, 2012
• 'The Cat and Mouse Game' in Teacher, No 223, August 2011, Australian Council for Educational Research, Camberwell
'The Cat and Mouse' in Play and Folklore, No 55, April 2011
'Norwegian and Australian Clapping Rhymes' in Play and Folklore, No 54, November 2010
'Tops, Tales & Granny's False Teeth: Twenty Years On' in Play and Folklore, No 53, April 2010
'With Respect: Adult Contexts for Children's Play' (with Gwenda Beed Davey) in Play and Folklore, No 50, April 2008
'Small Mysteries of Life' in Folklife News, Vol 7 No 4, Summer 2001, reprinted in Play and Folklore, No 41, December 2001
'Rules and Steps for Jacks (Knucklebones)' in Folklife News, Vol 7 No 3, Spring 2001
'Two Toodlembucks' short article in Play and Folklore, No 40, July 2001
'Songs with Pictures' in Play and Folklore, No 40, July 2001
'Riddle-me-ree' in Folklife News, Vol 7 No 2, Winter 2001
'A POG By Any Other Name...' in Folklife News, Vol 7 No 1, Autumn 2001
'Peach, Pear, Plum: a game of our times?' in Play and Folklore, No 39, December 2000
'Kidspeak: an interview with Dr. June Factor' in Folklife News, Vol 6 No 4, Summer 2000
'Can I Have Your Autograph?' in Folklife News, Vol 6 No 3, Spring 2000
'Dipping Into Oral Tradition' in Folklife News, Vol 6 No 2, Winter 2000
'Elastics, Part 2' in Folklife News, Vol 6 No 1, Autumn 2000
'Play in Papua New Guinea', in Play and Folklore, No 37, December 1999
'Elastics, Part 1' in Folklife News, Vol 5 No 4, Summer 1999
'The Australian Children's Folklore Collection - A New Home' in Folklife News, Vol 5 No 3, Spring 1999
'Dibs, Dobs, Chucks and Snobs: the game of Jacks through the ages' in Folklife News, Vol 5 No 2, Winter 1999, reprinted in Play and Folklore, No 38, July 2000
'Fun And Games In Museum Victoria' (with Julie Stevens), in Play and Folklore, No. 36, July,1999
'Knuckling Down in the '90s', in Folklife News, Vol 5 No 1, Autumn 1999
'Just Mucking Around' in Folklife News, Vol 4 No 4, Spring 1998
'Aboriginal Children's Play Project' in Play and Folklore, No 34, July 1998
'Computer Games or Games on Computer?' in Play and Folklore, No 32, August 1997
'Playing in Thailand' in Australian Children's Folklore Newsletter, No 29, December 1995 (now Play and Folklore)
'Tops, Tales, and Granny's False Teeth: children's traditional play in a paediatric hospital' in Australian Children's Folklore Newsletter, No 18, July 1990 (now Play and Folklore)


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      Judy McKinty - Children's Play Researcher